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Here you will find answers to questions I am often asked. Is your question not listed? No problem at all — I look forward to your message!

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  • What is face reading?
    Face Reading is an ancient science that involves reading information about a person from their face. In all major civilizations throughout the world, face reading has been practiced, albeit with different focuses. The Greeks primarily read health-related topics, South Americans focused on love and partnership, and the Chinese on personality traits. India also has a long history of face reading.
  • What is the benefit of face reading for me?
    A face reading helps you understand yourself better. How is your personality structured? What talents and potentials do you possess? What makes you unique? These are all questions that a face reading can answer for you. It's fascinating how accurately ancient Chinese attributed meanings to various facial features. For example, a large ear might symbolize courage, risk-taking, self-responsibility, and vitality. Often, people contain contradictions within themselves. Therefore, it's not enough in face reading to just decode the features you have on your face. It's about seeing your face as a whole and carefully examining any contradictions, as this is what makes up your individuality. Face readers believe that a person is born with a distinct personality. Babies aren't just a collection of cells; parents quickly realize there's an individual behind that. Even though the brain hasn't been extensively fed with experiences and information, this individuality is already noticeable. A person has their talents from birth. But why are these talents innate? Face readers believe that talents are the tools we have to fulfill our life's purpose.
  • When is face reading beneficial?
    Often people book a face reading with me when life becomes turbulent. This can include professional or personal changes, as well as questions about one's purpose and life mission. They seek answers to fundamental life questions that have been on their minds for some time. A face reading provides clarity and understanding of oneself and often reveals new paths. Sometimes, a single piece of information about our personality structure can bring about significant change in our lives. Perhaps a person finally says "yes" to themselves because they realize that a previously rejected aspect of their personality belongs to them and is important. The newfound insights into their talents can also help them choose the right job or make long overdue life decisions. A face reading can reveal your life's purpose to you. It can be incredibly liberating to receive clues about your hidden potential. This brings you closer to your dreams and saves you from years of wandering. A face reading provides valuable advice throughout your life, as you can listen to the audio recordings and review your script repeatedly. Often, you notice completely different things over time, providing new insights for a fulfilling life. With a face reading, you are investing sustainably in yourself.
  • How does face reading work?
    I prepare intensively for the face reading based on your pictures. First, I analyze your personality, the essence you've carried since birth. Who are you? What makes you tick? What are your talents? These insights are your tools for a happy and fulfilling life. During the reading, we lovingly explore areas where you might face challenges and collaboratively seek approaches to empower you further. I provide valuable learning statements that will support you in maintaining balance throughout your life. Additionally, I identify your talents during the face reading. By embracing these learnings and living your talents, you can lead a fulfilling life. You receive your personal life compass that guides you naturally in the right direction.
  • What information can be read from the face using face reading?
    person's personality, character, talents, and potentials. Additionally, the face provides insights into our health status. Moreover, it offers valuable information about our relationships and life purpose.
  • Where does face reading take place?
    If you are from Hamburg, we will meet at my premises. There, we will have privacy and can fully immerse ourselves in your face reading. Additionally, there's a cozy couch, a relaxed atmosphere, and a fridge stocked with beverages. Otherwise, we can simply meet online via Zoom.
  • Is face reading also possible online?
    Of course! If you'd like, we can do the face reading online as well. After we schedule an appointment, I'll send you a Zoom meeting invitation link.
  • What do you need before face reading?
    I need three pictures of you: one from the front and one from each of your left and right sides. It's important that you look straight into the camera with a neutral expression and do not smile. Keep your facial muscles as relaxed as possible. Don't worry if these pictures aren't your favorite and you feel like you're taking mugshots. They simply help me read your physiognomy most effectively. And I promise, no one else will see them besides me :)
  • How long does it take to get an appointment for a face reading?
    The lead time for your personal face reading session is currently two to four weeks.
  • Is face reading a suitable gift idea?
    Yes, face reading is a great gift idea with significant value. For instance, you can gift it to a recent graduate to help them decide which career suits them best. Their professional life will be much more fulfilling when their career aligns with their individual talents and abilities. In general, everyone benefits from better self-understanding, and it's never too late to realign life. A face reading provides a good overview of whether life is being lived in a winning or losing manner. The recipient receives personalized insights that can serve as valuable guidance throughout their life, helping them steer back to a fulfilling path whenever needed.
  • I somehow find it strange that you know so much about me after a face reading. Do you keep my data confidential?
    I completely understand! Face reading is indeed intimate, and you might fear feeling exposed in some way. However, rest assured: My perspective on your personality is always rooted in a love for people. It fulfills me when you feel seen in your face reading and empowered in your strengths. You gain clarity about your potential and have all the keys to live a fulfilling life in your hands.
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