Seeing Emotions
understanding People
Fields of Application
Seeing the Unspoken
By applying Mimikresonanz, you can enhance your ability to build strong relationships with your conversation partners and better perceive their emotions and needs.
These skills are crucial both in personal and professional contexts, such as negotiation, employee discussions, customer service, coaching, therapy, as well as in partnerships or as a parent.
In Customer Advisory
and Sales
​Through your ability to recognize and interpret nonverbal signals, you can quickly understand the needs and motivations of your customers in customer advisory and sales.
This leads to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales. Additionally, you are able to accurately assess the emotional impact of your presentation on the customer and respond accordingly if necessary.
For instance, you can better determine whether the customer has a genuine objection or if it is merely a pretext.
In Negotiation
In today's business environment, the ability to negotiate successfully is considered a core competency for executives and managers across almost every domain.
Whether negotiating visions, goals, performance, contracts, or terms, you must negotiate with customers, employees, supervisors, and service providers in today's business world.
Negotiators who apply the Facial Expression Resonance method achieve their goals more swiftly because they have a keen eye for hidden messages conveyed through their counterpart's facial expressions.
In Management and Leadership
Through training in Mimikresonanz, you can enhance your ability to accurately perceive the team's mood and the individual emotions of your employees, and respond appropriately.
This allows you not only to better understand in employee discussions and meetings, but also in your daily interactions with your employees, how people process and absorb decisions and information on an emotional level.
For HR Professionals and Decision Makers
You expand your repertoire of diagnostic tools and thereby sharpen your perceptiveness. As a human resources professional, you conduct confidential discussions, evaluate performances and capabilities, provide counsel, and make strategic and policy decisions for your company.
Through precise observation, you gather valuable information about your conversation partners. You can immediately identify stress factors and sensitive points and respond appropriately.