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Writer's pictureDaniel Neuhaus

What is Face Reading?

If you've never heard of Face Reading before, you're not alone.

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Our entire life story and personality are written on our face. Face readers can interpret it like an open book, which is why practicing this art requires high ethical standards.

Face Reading: Each of Us Carries the Talent Within

Imagine you are a Face Reader yourself and would know exactly who you are dealing with after looking at someone's face. Wouldn't that fundamentally influence how you interact with other people?

The beauty is that we all carry this talent within us. As babies, we had no other choice but to constantly read the faces of our parents. Only later does language come into play, displacing this innate ability.

Face Reading enables people to see themselves holistically in their personality, as well as recognize talents and potentials in their face.

Everyday Proverbs about Face Reading

Think of the many proverbs that we use every day without even thinking about them:

Denk nur an die vielen Sprichwörter, die wir jeden Tag ganz selbstverständlich verwenden:

  • It's written all over your face

  • The eyes are the windows to the soul

  • The eyes speak louder than words

  • You can tell by the look on your face

  • He's as sharp as a tack

  • His face says it all

This is just a small excerpt from many well-known proverbs. Behind each sentence lies a profound wisdom that interestingly is closely linked to Face Reading.

Face Reading Example

Sticking-Out Ears

Surely, you have someone in your circle of acquaintances with sticking-out ears. Consider what distinguishes them from people with close-fitting ears.

  • People with sticking-out ears carry a willingness for change within them

  • They often feel an inner restlessness

  • They are individualists who typically do what they want themselves

  • They are often mentally wired

  • They can easily embrace the role of the rebel

  • Their willingness to change leads them to accept resistance

Is it not fascinating that in people with large ears who embody this trait, sayings like "He's got a few tricks up his sleeve" are entirely accurate?

Close-Fitting Ears

In reverse, people with closely set ears tend not to like polarizing or making themselves unpopular. They are usually quiet and peaceful individuals who navigate through life quite adaptively and tactfully, valuing harmony in their surroundings.

They can adjust well to situations and, for this reason, may offer less resistance compared to those with protruding ears. The analogy of tucked ears fits quite well, I think. Should I perk up my ears and resist or tuck them in to weather the storm better?

Face Reading provides a fascinating insight into the different behaviors of individuals.

Personality vs. Character in Face Reading

Face readers believe that each person is born with a core, a unique natural essence we call personality. Everything is anchored within it: our talents, potentials, as well as our characteristics.

Character is what we acquire based on upbringing, education, society, and the experiences we have.

When our character aligns with our personality, we are authentic.

Why personality and character should be congruent

If character is strongly divergent from one's true personality—such as when a person doesn't live up to their talents or even works against themselves—it can lead to mental health issues.

These can manifest in various forms, ranging from melancholy, unease, dissatisfaction, and hopelessness to depression; a wide spectrum is possible.

When we don't feel comfortable, usually something in our life circumstances doesn't fit or isn't compatible. Sometimes, we're so preoccupied with our weaknesses that our life's sky turns into an endless gray.

Does Succsess have to be Exhausting?

Human beings seem to be nothing without their actions. We must struggle if we want to achieve something, and nothing should come easily to us. Only when we begin to exert ourselves have we accomplished something.

The problem arises when we exert ourselves in things for which we have no talent. We have learned to value only what we have fought for or won, which means everything we have heavily invested in.

When we do this, we often go against our own personality and talents, learning something for which we are not naturally suited. While it's true we can learn almost anything through sheer willpower—which is indeed an achievement—in reality, we will never live authentically this way. Here you'll find out why being authentic is worthwhile.

Why Focusing on Weaknesses is Fatal

Why can people often spontaneously name their weaknesses more easily than their strengths? This has a lot to do with our culture and upbringing.

We live in a society that simply accepts talents. We don't appreciate them because things we are good at are considered normal. This starts from childhood. 'Not scolded is praise enough!' is, in my view, a highly counterproductive but strongly influential statement.

What is a Talent?

The definition on Wikipedia is:

'Talent that enables someone to achieve exceptional or above-average performance in a specific field.'

Therefore, it is so important that we appreciate our talents. Of course, first and foremost, we need to know which talents we possess in the first place.

Our society offers an abundance of opportunities. Therefore, it often isn't easy for us to focus on our inherent abilities and not become frustrated and demotivated due to all the distractions along the way.

When we do things for which we have no talent, it drains us of energy, and we will never excel at them as well as someone who possesses that particular talent.

Why is it good to know your talents?

When you are aware of your talents, you not only appreciate them more but also find it easier to discover your calling. Why settle for an unsatisfying job when you could instead thrive in something you truly enjoy?

Our talents provide a genuine compass in our lives and naturally guide us toward our true life purpose. In Face Reading, I decode all your talents for you. It's best to display them on your fridge so you always remember what you excel at.

Talents are key to fulfilling our life's purpose. Scientifically, it's proven that people who live out their talents experience high levels of happiness and satisfaction.

Those who don't have the opportunity to utilize their potential often feel very dissatisfied. Living according to one's talents means living an authentic life.

Authenticity is nothing more than the desire to live our personality.

Often on the journey to adulthood, we abandon our personality. Due to experiences and beliefs, we make compromises and increasingly ignore our own needs. This is often the reason why we find ourselves in inner turmoil and dissatisfaction.

How Face Reading helps you discover your talents

Face Reading is like a reminder of oneself for many people. It brings me incredible joy and deep fulfillment when I guide clients through a Face Reading, confronting them with their own unique personality.

One can feel how the words spoken resonate within this person, striking chords that may never have been struck before. The client realizes these chords belong to them and not to anyone else. It's their own distinctive, unmistakable sound that emerges from within and sounds most beautiful when allowed to spread authentically in the world.

However, this can only happen when we stop trying to be someone else and instead embrace what we have long carried within us but perhaps never fully appreciated: our own abilities and talents.

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